Sunday, August 5, 2007

Brugge, Belgium

This weekend we went to Brugge, which is in northwest Belgium near the North Sea. The most special part was that mom was with us! We loved the city, which is fairly small and quite quaint. The architecture is beautiful! We took a boat ride through the canals, walked all around, and had a delicious dinner! Our little Wes is almost 6 weeks old, and he's getting some chubs!


Kristi Kendall said...

So glad your Mom is visiting and meeting her newest Grandson. Have a fabulous time with her.

Susan said...

My goodness - what a handsome (and well travelled) young man Wes is! We're hoping to make it Germany next spring/early summer!

Unknown said...

We've been there!! Seems like a life time ago....and Gabriel was 8 months. Beautiful! I hope ya'll are having a wonderful time!