Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wes is doing some new things these days! Daddy can get him to laugh...giggle laugh! I try all day and I get really sweet noises and smiles, but I guess I'm not "funny" to him! He has also rolled over from his back to tummy, and will scoot all around on his side! John went to get him from his crib the other night and his feet were where his head originated! He seems to like sleeping with this range of movement...he slept until 7am last night!

chubby legs! and arms!

we still can't get over this cute shirt!
love the hat!
thanks auntie deb for my new seat!


The Vrabecs said...

Aww...look at that chubbs! I can't wait to squeeze that little guy. Doesn't look like he likes that seat too much :) I am sure he will learn to love it! Too cute!

Unknown said...

Isn't Wes just the cutest baby in the whole world?! He's a baby doll for sure. My goodness what are you feeding that boy Becca? Can't wait to see you in 2 more months! Love Gammi

Anonymous said...

He doesn't seem to happy in his new seat! :o) He is so cute! Wish I could give him a squeeze.

Jen and Matt said...

He is so big Bec, I cant believe it! He is so adorable, and you are such a great mommy! MIss you lots.