Sunday, January 27, 2008

Big Boy!!

Wes had a few firsts last week!  On our first trip to the commissary when we got home from Hawaii, we bought him a few sippy cups.  These photos are his first experience with the sippy cup.  He likes the water, but still needs for us to hold the cup for him.  They actually require some major sucking, so we took the spill-proof piece out...which makes for a nice wet baby!  He is also quite fond of Cheerios these days, although he has difficulty picking them up and getting them into his mouth.  They usually end up on his bib, or under his chubby chin!  We are a little queasy about his tolerance for the soggy Cheerios that soak up the water from his sippy cup spillage!


The Vrabecs said...

What a big boy, he's growing up so fast!!!