Monday, July 14, 2008

Home, Germany, Home

We have just returned from spending over a month in the states...many pictures to share...once the jet-lag and unpacking is complete!  Here is a pic of Wes the day we returned! He's a year old now, and looking more like a toddler than a baby!  He isn't toddling yet, but is quite a quick crawler!!


Kristi Kendall said...

So cute! your right he does look more like a toddler/little boy rather then a baby. He is growing up so quickly! Can't believe a year has gone by already.

The Vrabecs said...

Aww, very cute! We miss you guys around here!

Unknown said...

Very sweet. If it makes you feel better....when he's closer to 3, you'll look back at this and realize he actually does still look like a baby. :o) But, wow, how fast it goes by. Glad ya'll made it back safe....catch up and rest!

emily said...

Yay, another photo of Wes!
He has the sweetest face