Sunday, June 7, 2009


Wes has had a tough time adjusting to nap time without mommy by his side.  We used to sleep 2-3 hours daily...until Hailey came along!  Most days, I hope he falls asleep in the car on the way home or else he takes an hour or 2 to fall asleep.  This totally stresses me out, as I am often very ready for a nap also.  If he could promise to not hurt Hailey, he would be welcome to sleep with us.  As of yet, he is unable to comply!!  So today, after at least an hour, this is how I found him...


Exum Family said...

Once you get this one resolved, please let me know! I'll be in your boat soon. I don't nap with Jackson, but I always lay down with him until he falls asleep. I usually get a 20-30 minute nap in and it does me wonders. I don't know that I'll be able to continue the routine once our baby girl arrives. I'm trying to figure out a creative way of teaching him that it is okay to go to sleep without Mommy...before I have the baby:)

Susan said...

Sweet baby boy! You will all survive this big adjustment! We all have!

The Regal Pup said...

That's too funny!

Enjoyed catching up with all your posts. The kids are adorable. Hope you're getting good rest :-)

Nic said...

Love that!

RyanAmyMcGuire said...

I used to find John sleeping on the floor like that all the time in the fraternity house... maybe that's where Wes is getting this from!