Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Here's a shout out to my friend Kristen!  She and I have been through Germany together pretty much from day 1.  We met in the Temporary Housing Media Room through our sponsor while I was online one day and have been there for each other every step of the way.  From the beginning, we uttered things about life in Germany that weren't very nice at times.  Her husband deployed and I think we saw each other everyday for at least a month.  I'd fall asleep on her couch while pregnant with Wes and snore.  Many lunches shared, bowling, OCSC, movies, shopping and many more fun things!!  Then Wes came along and she fell in love with his cheeks.  She captured great moments on her camera and we were so grateful for that.  After we hopped to the states together and back again, I was so relieved that she was with me!  We embarked upon more travels together:  Mallorca, Sardinia, Med cruise and The Bahamas!  So much fun...so many wonderful memories.  Then Hailey was born and Kristen has helped me so much and has fallen in love with more cheeks from the Kendall family!  Wes has been a trooper about sharing his "KiKen", but he has no idea that in a few short months, she will not be within a drive away.  As we both prepare to move-who knows where she'll end up- we are barely able to talk about it, and I can't think about it without a tear.  Thus is the military life.  I have a handful of other friends here that I'm very close to and pray that we can remain close.  But the impact of parting ways with such a dear friend as Kristen will impact our entire family and for that I am fortunate to have found someone that I love so much and saddened to say "see you soon".  I love you, friend...and so does my family.  THANK YOU



Kristi Kendall said...

I think it is fantastic that you were able to meet such a wonderful person over in Germany. Especially since you literally met her on your first day. She is such a sweetheart. You will always be friends with her and will have plenty of reasons to go visit her wherever they end up moving to.

kpaladino said...

Having known both of you I can say you too are two peas in the pod. Though distance may soon separate you, both of you will be together either visiting or sharing new adventures. Though it sucks that the military uproots people from their dearest friends. I look at it as you never know where it may take you and while it is true the ride can be bumpy, it is certain that you will meet some of the greatest people and that is exactly what happened for you two, you met and the rest is history.
Take Care XOXO

Sarah said...

Amen. This post brought me to tears.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful friendship. I too thought Kristen was great. (anyone who loves my G-kids is a friend of mine) Remember---even though each of you will move soon, it was the Air Force that brought you together to begin with. Love you both. Lori