Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wes Words

I know it's been a long time...but here are a few recents....

*I was trying to get Wes to take a nap in our bed while the movers were here and he was all but interested in sleeping.  I cracked up when he was rambling on and on and finished with "mommy has orange underpants".

*  I was pumping milk for babycakes when Wes came in and said "mommy making milk for baby Hailey". 

*I was feeding Hailey when Wes, ever the opportunist took advantage of the situation and separated a pile of post-its.  I figured he was safe and occupied so I let him continue.  Here is the conversation that followed:
Me:  Wes, did you make a mess?
Wes:  Yes
Me:  Will you clean up the mess?
Wes:  after quite the pause..."No"

*We were talking about Grandpa and Gammi and Wes says Grammy.  I said to John, "that's what he calls her, I'll go with Grammy".  Wes took my hand and said "no, mommy home"!

*Trying to prepare Wes for the movers to be here and the house to be empty was easier than I expected!  "Guys put toys in boxes, take to night night ginia (book Goodnight Virginia), it's OK!!!"


Nic said...

What an exciting time! I love hearing all his little words. It's funny what they come up with. Reese amazes me lately with her negotiating tactics. :)

Miss you,