Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wittlich Pig Fest

Wittlich (pronounced with a "V") is about 20 minutes down the Autobahn from us and every August they have Pig Fest. Here's an explanation of the festival that I found:

According to legend, Wittlich was once a walled fortress constantly under attack by invaders. One evening, a guard in charge of locking the gate to the besieged town could not find the peg to secure the fortified door. All he could find was a large carrot to wedge in the door. Later, a pig ate the carrot, the gate opened and the enemy came in. After the enemy ransacked the town, the angry townspeople herded every pig into the town’s market square and roasted them. Since then, the town of Wittlich has been known as the town of the pig burners. Once a year, the community of Wittlich holds an annual festival that attracts thousands of visitors.

This year, we pretty much stayed close to the rides for Wesley!  He loves to drive!!  His favorites these days are Thomas the Train and Cars movie with Lightening McQueen and Mater.  Imagine his delight when he got to drive McQueen!!!  Notice how he held his arm off the side of the car!!  Too cool!

See his little head in the "chop chop"??  See the little bar??  No seat belt in there...I was a nervous wreck that he'd get scared and jump out.  I almost made John run around in circles to catch him if he tried!!
Daddy's Girl


Kristi Kendall said...

Wes loves driving in the Lightening McQueen car. Love the arm out the window. Can't believe they don't have safety belts - that would never happen in the states.