Friday, February 26, 2010

A Visit to Arlington National Cemetery

John's beautiful Grandmother, Aura Charlene Kendall passed away in May 2005. She was buried in Arlington National Cemetery and we returned to visit her burial site with Grandpa, Aunt Karen and Uncle Vern, Hailey and Wesley over the holidays.

These special moments don't begin to capture the love that Grandpa has for Grandma. I teared up watching his journey through the headstones, thankful that the snow had melted the day before. I can't imagine living a portion of my life without John by my side, or vice versa, and my heart aches for the losses that my mother and grandparents have endured over the past years.

Grandpa says Hailey Belle has a smile that reminds him of his Lady. A true compliment. John's "Mammo" was a remarkable and beautiful woman, wife, and mother from every account that I've heard.


The Vrabecs said...

Beautiful post and pictures Bec!